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mexico_city [2018/05/16 16:56]
sboss created
mexico_city [2018/08/06 15:29] (current)
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 ====== Mexico City ====== ====== Mexico City ======
-Capital City for The Southern Sabbat, Home of the Tzimiscie Quezacotl, known to be every bit as crazy as Kristoff the Toymaker. He creates warghouls and creatures in the form of Incan myths and legends. The South American arm of the Sabbat remain south of the border due to some arcane arrangement between Quezacotl and Kristoff who are rumored to be bitter rivals. Only the most foolhardy Kindred would dare travel to Mexico, let alone Mexico City.. There is a reason The Tremere keep their North American Headquarters in Houston, and a healthy respect for Q's demented forces is one of them.+Capital City for The Southern Sabbat, Home of the Tzimiscie Quezacotl, known to be every bit as crazy as Kristoff the Toymaker. He creates warghouls and creatures in the form of Incan myths and legends. The South American arm of the Sabbat remain south of the border due to some arcane arrangement between Quezacotl and Kristoff who are rumored to be bitter rivals. Only the most foolhardy Kindred would dare travel to Mexico, let alone Mexico City.
mexico_city.1526515002.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/05/16 16:56 by sboss