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Lady Vladishlava Saltykov , The Countess of DeWitherin Born: October 1, 1754 Embraced: December 24, 1784 The Lady V, as she allows those to call her today, is the unknown daughter of Catherine the Great and Count Sergei Vasilievich Saltykov. While her Twin brother Paul I was raised as the great heir, Vlad was tucked away and grew as a loved but spoiled child within Saltykov’s home. She grew up around the skirts of court and wanted for nothing. As she grew, Vlad married a nearly unknown Russian Count and bore her husband a beautiful healthy child. The child would however, die from a missals outbreak and her husband would find himself unable to live with his grief. Left a widow, she would return to her childhood home to find a gentleman whose joy it was to pull her away from her grief. After a few years, she earned his trust and her place within his world. He embraced her: Peter Koskov. She was pulled into the Clan Venture. Inside of the clan’s arms, Vlad found herself very useful. She has an eye for things other do not and walks among the very highest circles. Over the years she has used her talent for language to work with the international level of the family. Her ability with language is hard for anyone to match.

Noticeable Traits: Vlad as dead white eye.

Vlad was Prince of Atlanta from January 2017 to May 2018. After this time, she was pulled back up into the clan position of Strategoi.

Current Location: Strategoi of Russia and it's Territories

vlashishlava_saltykov.1530969684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/07 06:21 by ST-Christina